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“Toni’s transformed me! Since I have been attending Toni’s classes I have vastly improved my strength, cardio vascular fitness, flexibility, muscle tone and mental strength. I have also dropped two dress sizes! This is thanks to the wide variety of classes on offer, accompanied with Toni’s expert knowledge and advice. Whether in class, on line or on a one to one capacity, Toni will guide you to achieve the results you want. Any barriers that stand in your way, Toni will help motivate you and keep you on track.

The one to one corrective PT sessions I attend have taken my fitness to a whole new level. Tailored sessions ensure my technique is improved for the kettles and pilates classes, thus maximising my performance. This is something I would 100% recommend alongside classes – get the most out of the hard work you put in!”


"Six years ago I stepped into Toni's Kettlercise class for the first time on a friends recommendation. 

Although I had probably never worked as hard in a class, I came out feeling euphoric. 

Toni's classes are challenging, fun and engaging. Her experience and knowledge in health and fitness is vast. 

I have dipped in and out of classes for years but since doing Toni's classes I am totally committed. 

I've never felt better or been fitter and I'm certainly more focused. 

She has taught me a new happier and healthier lifestyle and for that I will be ever grateful"


"As a builder I have to do a lot of heavy lifting. Unfortunately on one particular heavy day i injured my back enough to make working very difficult. Not a good situation to be in when you are self employed! I am also an avid Kitesurfer in my spare time but was unable to do this either. My life was becoming miserable and worse still my back didn't seem to be improving at any appreciable rate. Something had to change and very fortunately I met Toni.

After listening to my case she designed a programme of stretches and exercises for me. Not only am I back at work full time now (and on the water kitesurfing when the wind blows! ) but I feel fitter,  stronger and less prone to injury than before. Thanks Toni!"


"I am not sporty, as Toni will testify. I'm the type of person who drives to the post-box. I emailed Toni  about what I wanted to achieve and she emailed me back instantly with a plan. I have 1 or 2 sessions a week, slowly building my core strength and losing the excess fat. She has pushed me to take on more and motivated me to keep going. As well as going down 2 dress-sizes, my body feels so much more flexible and most of my aches and pains have gone. I am 54 years old and so have to be careful and Toni has struck just the right balance, to challenge me without going too far."


"I have always struggled with my weight and started doing keep fit videos at home in my late teens. I first met Toni when I went to one of her Insanity classes 6 years ago and nearly died from how high the intensity class was!! Toni always pushes and encourages you to keep going, don’t stop and to push yourself to your absolute maximum. I’ve attended Toni’s kettlercise, Aquafit, barre and hog Pilates, body conditioning and HiiTs and have never felt so strong both physically and mentally as I do now.  The online classes throughout lockdown have been a life saver and it definitely helped me get through such a difficult time!"


I have been taking part in Toni's fitness classes for about 5 years and enjoy all of them(kettlecise,hitt,pilates,barre,body conditioning and occasionally aqua).Toni is incredibly motivating and inspiring in the way that she teaches.  Her knowledge & understanding of keeping fit & healthy & how the body works is second to none.  Her classes are both challenging and fun & Toni is fantastic at encouraging you to push yourself to get fitter and stronger for a healthier you.  I have recently had a couple of injuries,  lower back and Achilles tendon & Toni has been great at keeping me moving by offering alternative exercises to allow the injury to heal safely.  There is no doubt that taking part in Toni's classes has kept me fit,healthy and relatively sane, particularly during the pandemic.  Thank you Toni- you're brilliant


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